In the heart of Aklan, a young student nurse from Aklan Catholic College (ACC) has made waves with her remarkable act of bravery and skill. This is the story of Christine Joy S. Roto, a 20-year-old second-year student from the Faculty of Nursing, whose quick thinking and clinical expertise led to a life-changing event in Pabahay Briones, Kalibo.
On the morning of November 22, 2023, Christine found herself in an extraordinary situation. Faced with a primigravida mother in need, she successfully assisted in a spontaneous vaginal delivery at home, a feat that was both challenging and inspiring.
Christine’s journey to this moment was built on a strong educational foundation at ACC. Her knowledge in maternal and child care, nurtured through the course led by Ms. Gerrely F. Reposar, equipped her with the skills needed for this critical moment. The Maternal and Child course, a cornerstone in nursing education, focuses on caring for women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postnatal period, including newborn care.
Despite being her first real-world application of immediate newborn care, Christine’s dedication and competence shone through. She recalls feeling nervous but driven by a sense of duty and compassion. “First time ko pong magpa-unga ag mag-newborn care kato,” she expressed, highlighting the mixed emotions of fear and joy in such a crucial moment.
Christine’s actions are not just a reflection of her personal dedication but also embody the core values of ACC: Faith, Accountability, Character, Excellence, and Service. These values are deeply ingrained in the college’s commitment to nurturing healthcare professionals who are not only skilled but also morally and ethically grounded.
Ms. Roto’s life outside the classroom is equally impressive. Recently capped as a student nurse, she is actively involved in the Campus Ministry and juggles her studies with a part-time job as a Dental Clinic Assistant. Her aspiration to become a Registered Nurse is a journey many are eagerly watching.
Christine Joy S. Roto’s story is more than an account of a student nurse’s bravery; it’s a beacon of hope and inspiration. It showcases the transformative power of education and the impact of passionate individuals in healthcare. As she continues her journey, her story will undoubtedly inspire many more to pursue excellence in nursing with compassion and dedication.